Tuesday, November 30, 2010


So this week I have been visiting with my cousin's in CO.  We have had a lovely time.  One of my favorite things to do is to geo-cache (cache is said cash).  My cousin Nikki loves being outdoors and hiking and walking so since she had never actually found a cache we went out together.   Geocaching is a natural fit for Nikki.  So far being together we have found 10 cache's.  One of them especially sticks out in my mind. We started up the road and the gps was bouncing all over one minute it said 436' right next left and we were still walking straight up the road.  So at a point we decided the compass said left for long enough we would go UP the hill.  We climbed and pulled and made our way probably about 100 yards UP the hill.  And then the compass said it was completely the opposite way.  Thus we carefully picked our way back DOWN the hill.    We continued up the road and then it said it was like 120' away so we went up the the rocks and across a slightly frozen stream then there was a water fall we couldn't cross yet we remained about 75' away from the cache.  Back down the rocks and then around over the bridge and we find a real trail.  Up Up UP we climbed.  Nikki leading the way.  At about 25',  I came around a corner and BAMM there was the cache.  Nikki is not yet accustomed to looking for what doesn't fit was continuing on.  She picked up a Germany travel coin.
This cache is somewhere at the feet of Pikes Peak.

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